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Alex Munday Planning

AMP is an independent planning consultancy providing honest, clear and reliable planning advice.

Based in Hampshire AMP was established by Alex Munday in 2016.

Alex offers a range of planning service including:

  • Planning applications
  • Planning Appeals
  • Enforcement related issues
  • Third party representations
  • Development appraisals and estate reviews
  • Strategic land promotion

Alex assists clients navigate their way through the complexities of the planning system to ensure they have the best chance of obtaining a planning permission which best meets their needs and aspirations. From initial advice on formulating proposals to securing permission and complying with planning conditions thereafter.

With the planning system ever evolving AMP provides clients with professional advice they can trust.

photo of house broken window birdseye view of ground
Alex Munday

About Alex Munday

Alex gained a BA (Hons) degree in Town Planning from Newcastle University followed by a Diploma in Town Planning from University College London. She has been a member of the Royal Town Planning Institute since 2003. Alex has experience working in both the public and private sectors starting her planning career in the Environment Agency followed by a large London Authority and a Surrey green belt Authority. In 2003 she made the transition from public to private sector and has never looked back and has since been putting her Local Authority knowledge to good use. Having experience working in Local Authorities and on their behalf, Alex understands how planning applications are handled, considered and determined always preferring to work with planning officers and build lasting relationships.

Planning Services

Alex is happy to get involved with your project at any stage of its life. However, early engagement helps achieve a better, more timely and often more profitable result. It is far easier and therefore more cost effective, to try and identify potential challenges with a development proposal and address them from the outset.

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With extensive experience in land appraisals and estate reviews Alex can help you identify and release the development potential in your land.

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With a largely development control background Alex is experienced in preparing and submitting all different types of planning and related applications and is familiar with the common pitfalls encountered all too often. From householder to major applications, changes of use and certificates of lawful use, Alex is proud to say she has probably done it before.

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Planning is not an exact science and on occasions we have to consider whether to pursue a planning appeal. Alex can advise on the likelihood of your appeal being allowed, the overall process and the timescales involved. If, following careful consideration, it is concluded that an appeal is the best route to pursue Alex can present your case in the best possible light, respond to the Council’s case and attend the appeal site visit if required.

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An Englishman’s home is his castle, so when not all development proposals are neighbourly, sensitive or appropriate, Alex can assist in formulating the most effective case against them.

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Whether you need to apply for retrospective planning permission, a Certificate of Lawfulness or have encountered difficulties when buying or selling property, Alex can assist with your enforcement challenges.

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Do you own land that could be a future development site? Alex can assist with its promotion through the Local Plan process.

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